Monday, October 9, 2017

If you want to start an ecommerce website you will require an open source platform for your online website. Easy as it may sound it’s not! The truth is that choosing an open source platform to work with could be quite challenging. However, if you keep an eye on the following factors, you will be able to come up with the very best options.

Easy to Afford

There is no doubt that the open source platform you are choosing is basically for business and that’s fine. However, for a new business ensuring that you minimize on costs is a very powerful step to making profits and staying in the game. It is because of this reason that you must make sure that you choose the most affordable platform. Wordpress is known for its free basic package.

Ideal Integration

By this I mean the ability to integrate with other network based application that will bring out the best from your ecommerce website. As it stands out, the best open source platforms should be able to work with the numerous plugins that your website might need. A good example is the new plugins that we have today that run on word press such as logo plugin, Woocommercewidget product slider, open cart, and many more. Such plugins will make your work easy and also the experience of your visitors memorable.

Ease of Use

Think about a platform like word press. Research has revealed that not only is word press a website creation tool written in PHP, but that it’s specifically the simplest and easiest tool ever. You require no prior tech know-how to neither run it nor use its easily available plugins and extensions. This makes it super ideal as not every ecommerce shop owner has been through a tech school before.


Finally, you should choose an open source platform that allows you to customize your ecommerce website the way you want. It should give you the freedom to create awesome password security, verify HTTPS and SSL Certificates, and to create secure payment gateway. Indeed it should allow you to cut your coat according to your size.

 The ability to support the latest plugins such as the Woocommerce widget product slider is just but a simple factor. All these factors would give you the best if you made up your mind to use all of them.
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